Power Brands Beverage Development


Beverage Marketing

“Beverage marketing” is a broad term which can encompass a company’s efforts to communicate key brand attributes to target consumers, a promotional strategy to engage consumers, incentive programs for distributors or retailers, joint co-operative marketing campaigns with complementary brands to add consumer value, among myriad other objectives, strategies and tactics. For most entrepreneurs and beverage companies, it is important to understand the distinction between two key functional areas of beverage marketing: consumer marketing and channel marketing. It is also important to understand a smart spend of marketing budget resources versus wasteful spending on efforts that do not support or achieve brand objectives.

Consumer Marketing

Classic consumer beverage marketing can be defined as activities undertaken by the company to reach the brand’s end consumer. This can include sampling campaigns, public relations efforts, radio or television campaigns, print ads, internet activation, and co-op marketing efforts. Consumer marketing strategies and tactics are often perceived as the “sexy” part of brand management and many entrepreneurs and small companies are eager to allocate funds in this area. New brand owners will often find themselves inundated with offers and opportunities from vendors looking for promotional dollars. As a brand owner you must be able to evaluate these opportunities and determine which are good investments of marketing dollars are and which are wasteful.

Channel Marketing

Beverage marketing to the retail trade, as opposed to the end consumer, is the essence of channel marketing. This is an often overlooked or under-prioritized part of a company’s beverage marketing strategy. Channel marketing is important as it can strengthen a beverage brand’s relationship with key retail partners. An effective channel marketing campaign can ensure a brand benefits from incremental merchandising activity and in-store awareness, reaching consumers where it matters most: when they are in a position to purchase the beverage.


A Power Brands, we bring decades of beverage marketing experience ranging from bootstrap startup campaigns to broad regional and national programs for industry giants such as Nestle, Procter & Gamble, and Pepsi. We can develop an effective and comprehensive beverage marketing strategy for any sized budget. Contact a Power Brands representative today to arrange a consultation.



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